we come to your house and cook for you (and your kids or wife or the dog or the nanny or your assistant or whatever hungry mouths you have to feed)
full and part-time private chef services. stop worrying about what the hell you'll make for dinner all the time and for godssake stop ordering blue apron. we gotchu.
we cook for your intimate (or not so intimate) dinner parties
tell us your wildest dreams and we'll make it happen. from entertaining your newest raya match to dinner and dancing on the table for your bestie's 30th to a multi-course affair to celebrate your boss's newest divorce...we can be naughty or nice.
we'll co-host a party with you
imagine your raddest friends showing up to cook you dinner. you lend a hand and supply the guest list, we bring the vibes and you get to take all the credit.
other cool tricks we have up our sleeve
personal shopping
Whole Foods shoppers keep sending chuck roast when you specifically asked for organic grass-fed short ribs? let the experts handle it.
food styling
don't want to toot any horns, but Good Housekeeping LOVES us.
home kitchen consultation
are you a budding Guy Fieri and want to create your own personal flavortown at home? we can show you what to buy (and what crap to avoid wasting your precious bitcoins on).
Ok, this is where the big boys play
Full-service restaurant consultation
20+ years of experience in fine-dining, casual, take-out, taco stands, grocery stores, maximum facility jail commissaries, you name it, we've done it.